Í Yndifitness eru útbúnir fitnessinstruktørar, ið vilja hjálpa tær at røkka tínum málum. Ein máti at megna hetta, er við hjálp av einari venjingarætlan. Hetta vilja okkara væl upplagdu fitness instruktørar fegnir hjálpa tær við.
Tað einasta tú skal gera er at printa og fylla út hetta skjal og síðani lata tað inn hjá Yndifitness, so fært tú eina venjingarætlan, ið passar júst til TÍN tørv og ynskir.
Allir okkara fitnessinstruktørar, hava fullfíggjaða útbúgving sum Fitnessinstruktør. Tí hava vit førleikarnar at geva tær júst tí venjingarætlanina, ið tær tørvar.
Kostnaðurin fyri eina venjingarætlan er 100 kr. og kostnaðurin fyri sergjørda venjingarætlan er 395 kr.
Hetta skal rindast samstundis, sum skjalið verður latið inn.
Vit síggjast í Yndifitness, og minst til, ein sunnur kroppur er ein virkin kroppur!
Farspor | Duration | Lýsing |
__utma | 2 years | This cookie is set by Google Analytics and is used to distinguish users and sessions. The cookie is created when the JavaScript library executes and there are no existing __utma cookies. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. |
__utmb | 30 minutes | Google Analytics sets this cookie, to determine new sessions/visits. __utmb cookie is created when the JavaScript library executes and there are no existing __utma cookies. It is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. |
__utmc | session | The cookie is set by Google Analytics and is deleted when the user closes the browser. It is used to enable interoperability with urchin.js, which is an older version of Google Analytics and is used in conjunction with the __utmb cookie to determine new sessions/visits. |
__utmt | 10 minutes | Google Analytics sets this cookie to inhibit request rate. |
__utmz | 6 months | Google Analytics sets this cookie to store the traffic source or campaign by which the visitor reached the site. |